Données probantes scientifiques et sur la performance
Trudell Medical International est depuis longtemps un chef de file dans la création de dispositifs médicaux novateurs qui améliorent la qualité de vie des personnes de tous les âges, tous appuyés par des données scientifiques et cliniques.
L’innocuité et l’efficacité de la marque de chambres AEROCHAMBER PLUS* sont confirmées dans le cadre de nombreuses évaluations cliniques de divers aérosols-doseurs, qui ont été menées par des tiers auprès de différentes populations de patients1. Il s’agit de la marque de chambre d’inhalation la plus étudiée, soutenue par des centaines d’études in vitro et in vivo et listée dans les instructions posologiques de la plupart des aérosols-doseurs.
Spacers improve lung delivery of MDIs
Relative Bioavailability of Budesonide/Glycopyrrolate/Formoterol Fumarate Metered Dose Inhaler Administered With and Without a Spacer: Results of a Phase I, Randomized, Crossover Trial in Healthy Adults
AEROCHAMBER* brand of chambers improve lung delivery by consistently delivering the intended dose, regardless of inhaler technique. A recent third-party pharmacokinetic study demonstrated that AEROCHAMBER PLUS* FLOW-VU* chamber optimizes lung delivery, even in healthy adults trained on correct technique.
Spacers overcome coordination issues
The Impact of Inhalation Delay on Lung Drug Delivery: Using Functional Respiratory Imaging to Compare Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI) and MDI + Valved Holding Chamber (VHC) Systems
If using an MDI alone, even a short half second inhalation delay reduces the predicted lung delivery to approximately 1% of the intended dose. AEROCHAMBER® device holds the medication suspended for an extended period of time, allowing patients more time to inhale their medication.2
Spacers reduce side effects
Assessment of Potential Mouth / Throat Deposition and Lung Delivery of Suspension- and Solution-Formulated Inhaled Corticosteroid Formulations Delivered by Pressurized Metered Dose Inhaler without and with Valved Holding Chamber Using an Anatomic Adult Upper Airway
Whether using an MDI (without a spacer) or a DPI, the majority of the dose deposits in the back of the throat.5,6 However, when combined with an MDI, the AEROCHAMBER PLUS® FLOW-VU® chamber filters out the larger particles that would deposit in the back of the throat which could lead to side-effects such as hoarseness, sore throat, or thrush.5,6 Did you know that if using the MDI alone up to 10x as much medication can deposit in the back of the throat.5