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Today Trudell Medical International announces it is extending its global footprint with its expansion into the Australian market with the establishment of Trudell Medical Australia Propriety Limited (Trudell Medical Australia).
Depending on the pMDI/spacer system chosen the delivery of medication can vary significantly and as a result will have implications on the potential carbon footprint.
In this case, the use of the AeroChamber Plus* Flow-Vu* VHC could potentially reduce the carbon footprint by three fold compared to the alternative spacers.
By maximizing the amount of each puff reaching the lungs the patient is likely to be able to get relief sooner and reduce the amount of puffs needed.
Depending on the pMDI/spacer system chosen the delivery of medication can vary significantly and as a result will have implications on the potential carbon footprint.
In this case, the use of the AeroChamber Plus* Flow-Vu* VHC could potentially reduce the carbon footprint by three fold compared to the alternative spacers.
By maximizing the amount of each puff reaching the lungs the patient is likely to be able to get relief sooner and reduce the amount of puffs needed.