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The Impact of an Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (OPEP) Device on Mucus Plugs: A Case Study Using Functional Respiratory Imaging (FRI) and a COPD patient

opep device


A previously published FRI clinical study1 had reported a shift in internal airflow distribution (IAD) to the lower lobes of a COPD patient following use of an OPEP (Aerobika*) device for 3 weeks. This shift was subsequently associated with an increase in FEV1. Given the more recent availability of mucus plug detection as part of the FRI technology, we wanted to investigate this association further


The IAD and pulmonary function test (PFT) data for the COPD patient in the referenced study were evaluated in detail to understand IAD values in different lobes pre and post OPEP intervention, as were the results for FEV1 and FVC. The FRI technology was also used to re-examine the CT images of the patient to assess location, number and volume of mucus plugs before and after OPEP intervention.


study results


The FRI analysis of mucus plug presence (and associated visual images) indicated that both mucus plugs originally present in the right lower lobe of the patient were no longer present post OPEP. This was linked to a decrease in mucus volume of 0.033ml in the same lobe. This evaluation shows the utility of the mucus detection technology within the FRI assessment, proposes a potential explanation for the increase in lower lobe airflow distribution and increased FEV1 and FVC following OPEP therapy in this patient, and highlights the potential value of OPEP therapy in clearing the airways of excess secretions / plugs.

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Given the more recent availability of mucus plug detection as part of the FRI technology, we wanted to investigate this association further.

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