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AEROCHAMBER* Family of Valved Holding Chambers
Innovative Valved Holding Chambers Trudell Medical International has an enviable history of strong leadership in creating innovative medical devices that enhance the quality of life for people of all ages - all backed by science and clinical evidence.
The safety and efficacy of AEROCHAMBER* brand of chambers is validated in numerous third-party clinical evaluations with different patient populations with different MDIs.1 It is the most studied brand of spacer; supported by hundreds of in-vitro and in-vivo studies and is listed in the prescribing instructions for most MDIs.
Products for Personal Use
Products for Hospital Use
Compare the AEROCHAMBER* products intended for personal use
Our Products for Personal Use
Spacer for metered dose and soft-mist inhalers
This AEROCHAMBER PLUS* spacer includes the FLOW-VU* indicator and FLOWSIGNAL* whistle and comes in several sizes.
For use with your metered dose inhaler while on the go
Ideal for adolescents and adults while on the go, the 2-in-1 chamber is also an inhaler storage case.
For use with your metered dose inhaler
This AeroChamber ® anti-static valved holding chamber comes in four sizes.
For use with your metered dose inhaler
This AEROCHAMBER* valved holding chamber comes in four sizes.
For use with your metered dose inhaler
This spacer is static resistant, includes optional attachable face masks and can be used with all commonly prescribed MDIs.
Compare the AEROCHAMBER* products intended for hospital use
Our Products for Hospital Use
For use with an MDI for mechanically ventilated patients
Small volume chamber used in a mechanical ventilator circuit or with a resuscitation bag.
For use with an MDI for mechanically ventilated patients
Use in a mechanical ventilator circuit or with a resuscitation bag.
For use with an MDI for mechanically ventilated patients
Can be left in the inspiratory limb of a 22mm circuit.
For use with your metered dose inhaler
Designed for use in hospitals, this chamber is autoclavable for multi-patient use and is static resistant.
For use with an MDI by tracheostomy patients
Easy to comfortably connect to standard 15mm tracheostomy tubes.