While it’s one of the most anticipated seasons of the year, summer can also be the most difficult season for Canadians living with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). We want to help you make the most of it! Here’s what you need to know about summer, and how you can enjoy yours this year.
Bronchiectasis is a chronic, progressive lung condition affecting infants, children and adults. While the global prevalence of bronchiectasis is not accurately known,1 there is a growing awareness of the disease.2
Management of your respiratory condition such as asthma or COPD is more important than ever. As such, we would like to invite you to join Dr. Douglas Mack and Dr. Mariam Hanna as they discuss:
How to best manage your and/or your child’s asthma
How to achieve good asthma control
What to do in an asthma emergency
Tips and tricks for administering inhaler medication to children