From a UK perspective, BUD/F delivered via an MDI + VHC offers an economic benefit for the treatment of patients with mild asthma. Further analysis is required to determine if there would be any quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) effects based on the chosen intervention.
The FRI deposition profiles highlight that the MDI/ AeroChamber Plus* Flow Vu* VHC system delivered an appreciably greater percentage of drug to the lung region than either of the two DPIs.
The influence of inhalation flow profile was less with the MDI/VHC system and differed between the two DPIs.
This article describes the generative, patient-centered, design process used in the development of a prototype VHC intended primarily for use ‘on the go’ by adults with persistent asthma or newly diagnosed COPD.
Evaluations of inhaler use have demonstrated that mishandling of MDIs is commonplace.
One of the most common errors is the failure to coordinate inhalation with actuation of the inhaler
One of the reasons why VHCs are often prescribed, is to reduce the severity of this error
This Functional Respiratory Imaging (FRI) based study assessed the likely severity of a short inhalation delay (from actuation) with an MDI alone and how it contrasted to the use with a VHC
The FRI deposition profiles highlight that the MDI/ AeroChamber Plus* Flow Vu* VHC system delivered an appreciably greater percentage of drug to the lung region than either of the two DPIs.
The influence of inhalation flow profile was less with the MDI/VHC system and differed between the two DPIs.
The most efficient and effective delivery method remains that recommended in the device IFU (one actuation inhaled at a time, as well inhalation as soon as possible after actuation)
However, this laboratory-based study has indicated that a modified common-canister protocol with an anti-static VHC as the aerosol transfer vehicle has the potential to be a viable ‘off-label’ proposition in hospital situations where there is an urgent need to conserve pMDI medication as well as avoid cross-contamination from pathogenic viruses or bacteria
The FRI deposition profiles highlighted significant differences between the VHCs on test, with intrathoracic delivery for the AeroChamber Plus* Flow-Vu* VHC system being almost double that of the other two VHC systems and being similar to the MDI alone with perfect coordination
The prototype AeroChamber2go* spacer device was preferred by patients compared to the A2A† spacer and provides a good option for patients currently using the Metered Dose Inhaler without a spacer while on-the-go.
The widely differing inspiratory flow profiles from Turbuhaler† DPI contributed to greater variability in delivered dose to the carina.
MDI delivery via the AeroChamber Plus* Flow-Vu* VHC resulted in significantly increased mass to the carinal region irrespective of inhalation maneuver as well as reduced oropharyngeal deposited mass which in vivo is likely to result in reduced throat irritation or thrush in the mouth and throat.
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