VHCs, sometimes called Spacers, are designed to assist with the coordinated delivery of Metered Dose Inhalers (MDIs) and reduce oropharyngeal drug deposition. Their drug delivery performance should be well understood and clinically validated. In addition, it is important to understand patient usability and safety factors. This study compared a number of VHCs for such factors.
The following VHCs were evaluated (n=6/group): AeroChamber Plus* Flow-Vu* VHC (AC); Vortex† (VOR); SpaceChamber† Compact (SC); EasyChamber† (EC); OptiChamber† Diamond (OD); Able Spacer† (AS); Volumatic† (VOL). Each VHC was assessed in terms of a) Ease of tidal breathing, b) Presence of inhalation feedback, c) Dishwasher cleanable, d) Robustness and e) Tamper resistant valves.
The results table highlights many differences between the various spacers tested. See the results below:
Review of the results table highlights many differences between the various spacers on test, with one spacer demonstrating
positive aspects for all features assessed and one other having all negative. This highlights the need for health care professionals
to consider such real-world features when choosing which device to recommend, in addition to proven clinical validation.