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AEROCHAMBER* Spacers for Personal Use
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Our family of personal use AEROCHAMBER* devices have been approved for sale in over 100 countries worldwide. However, not all products are available in all countries. To identify which products are available for purchase in your region view an individual product or contact us today.
Chambers for Personal Use
For use with your metered dose inhaler
This AEROCHAMBER PLUS* spacer includes the FLOW-VU* indicator and FLOWSIGNAL* whistle and comes in several sizes.
For use with your metered dose inhaler while on the go
Ideal for adolescents and adults while on the go, the 2-in-1 chamber is also an inhaler storage case.
For use with your metered dose inhaler
This AeroChamber ® anti-static valved holding chamber comes in four sizes.
For use with your metered dose inhaler
Designed for use in hospitals, this chamber is autoclavable for multi-patient use and is static resistant.