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AEROCHAMBER* Spacers for Hospital Use

Compare products designed for hospital use

Comparison Chart

In addition to our flagship AEROCHAMBER* brand of valved holding chambers, a full range of specialty application products have been designed to deliver MDI aerosol medication within the hospital environment, including for patient that require mechanical ventilation. Each device has been engineered to meet the same high standards you have come to expect. Based on your needs and the needs for your patient, there is an appropriate chamber to allow for a simple and effective delivery of aerosol medication. 

Our family of  AEROCHAMBER* have been approved for sale in over 100 countries worldwide. However, not all products are available in all countries. To identify which products are available for purchase in your region view an individual product or contact us today. 

comparison chart comparing aerochamber products for hospital use

Chambers for Hospital Use

AeroChamber Mini angled horizontal, viewed from the left

AEROCHAMBER* mini Anti-Static Holding Chamber

For use with an MDI for mechanically ventilated patients

Small volume chamber used in a mechanical ventilator circuit or with a resuscitation bag.

AeroChamber MV horizontal view from the left

AEROCHAMBER* MV Holding Chamber

For use with an MDI for mechanically ventilated patients

Use in a mechanical ventilator circuit or with a resuscitation bag.

AeroChamber VENT in the closed position, viewed from the top right


For use with an MDI for mechanically ventilated patients

Can be left in the inspiratory limb of a 22mm circuit.

Horizontal view of RespiChamber


For use with your metered dose inhaler

Designed for use in hospitals, this chamber is autoclavable for multi-patient use and is static resistant.